古时开科取士,读书人读的是四书五经,孔孟圣言。明清之后,考试朝八股方向发展,转承启合,文章越来越束缚人心的灵性,也越来越脱离实践,许多科场成功的人,锦绣文章虽然做得漂亮,人却越来越迂腐甚至胡涂,无非是取得功名的范进或孔乙己而已。 诚然,走上科举求取功名的学子,从启蒙开始,一生中要背诵的是数十万字的圣人之言和几倍于此的注释,以及注释的注释。唐代还要求官员上任时要学习律令,而明清以降,就无此要求。但中国地方长期以来行政权和司法权合一,一有讼争,地方父母官就得坐堂听讼,裁判是非,也就形成了中国古代法官不懂法的客观现实。
In ancient times to open subjects to read, reading people read four books, Confucius holy words. After the Ming and the Qing Dynasties, the examination developed in the direction of “Hachinism.” However, as the article became more and more restraining the spirituality of the people and getting more and more out of practice, many successful subjects and beautiful articles made beautiful people increasingly Pedantic or even silly, is nothing more than to obtain fame Fan Jin or Kong Yizhi only. It is true that the students who went to the imperial examinations for their fame and fortune, starting from Enlightenment, recited the words of saints of hundreds of thousands of words throughout their lives and several times their comments, as well as annotations. In the Tang Dynasty, officials were also required to learn the decrees when they took office, while the Ming and Qing dynasties reduced their demands. However, since the administrative and judicial powers in China have long been one country and one has a litigation dispute, local parents and relatives have to sit in their seats and their judgments are right and wrong, thus forming an objective reality that Chinese ancient judges do not understand the law.