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最近各地灾荒,情势极端严重,单就华东各地而论,灾民已达千余万人,饿殍遍野,真是惨绝人寰之事。政府为克服灾荒,对于各级政府都已有详尽的指示,其中并以生产救灾为当前压倒一切的最紧迫的中心任务。因为就过去的经验证明,能够生产,那末生活就能有办法;即使遇到灾荒、灾情也不致于扩大,所以目前的主要工作,就是要因地制宜,计划并进行各种生产救灾的办法。即使目前没有受到灾难的地方,也应展开生产运动,俾可有备无患。如果全体起來,把生产救灾变为广大羣众的社会运动,打下了一个大生产运动的基础,对于国家和民族总是有益的.最低限度,像目前这样严重的灾荒不但可以遏止,而且必可克服。 The recent famine and the situation are extremely serious. As far as East China is concerned, the victims have reached more than 10 million and are hungry and hungry. It is a real tragedy. In order to overcome the famine, the government has given detailed instructions to all levels of government, and the most urgent and central task of overcoming disaster relief is disaster relief. Because past experience proves that it can be produced, there is a way of life. Even in the event of a famine, the disaster will not expand. Therefore, the main task now is to plan and implement various methods of disaster relief. Even where there is no disaster at present, we should start a production campaign so that we can be prepared for it. If, as a whole, the social movement that transformed disaster relief into the general public laid the foundation for a mass-production campaign, it will always be beneficial for the country and the nation. At the very least, such a serious catastrophe like the present can not only be halted, but must get over.
拍臀健身。目前,在英国和美国,打屁股成了有益于健康和保持青春的健身活动。打屁股的活动起源于英国,原是一种恶作剧。为什么打屁股的游戏会受人青睐呢?专家认为,打屁股引起的疼痛可使大脑释放出一种化学物质,这种化学物质能产生大量的内啡肽,使人有全身舒适的感觉。在英国和北美有厂家还专门生产一种打屁股的拍击器,据说生意还挺不错。  与鸵鸟为伍。鸵鸟被誉为澳大利亚的“国鸟”。近年来,澳大利亚人设计出种种与鸵鸟有
【摘 要】出生于不同年代的人,其价值观往往存在着不同的特征。作为非常具有代表性的群体,60后和90后,他们的行为方式、处世态度、思考问题的出发点等均在价值观的影响下产生了较大的不同。本文基于60后与90后其价值观中存在的差异,对两代人价值观差异形成的原因进行了初步探讨与思考。  【关键词】价值观;差异;成因  价值观是人们判断事物重要性的依据,行为活动的取舍标准,它影响人们做事的行为方式、手段及其