当前是中国城市雕塑蓬勃发展的辉煌时期。北京以其特殊的城市地位在这次活动中起到了带头作用。下面就以北京城市雕塑的发展状况为例,对近年来中国城市雕塑的发展状况作一简短的回顾。 1998年北京举办了一系列的雕塑展览,特别值得提出的是一些雕塑设计单位基本都举办了城市雕塑设计方案展,最后以“新世界的希望——全国城市雕塑设计方案选”画上了一个圆满的句号,这一年被业内称作是“雕塑展览年”。1999年,全国征集了850余件城市雕塑,从中选出了1000多件在北京国际会议中心举办展览,这是最早运用“城市雕塑”概念命名的展览。当时的目的就是推出新人新作,把城市雕塑推向市场,在人们心目中确立城市雕塑的概念,这也成了那次展览的特点。通过那次展览,我们还发现了一个问题,那就是抽象的太多,具象写实的太少。展览完成后,我们选了一批方案,做成后立在了长安街、西单广场以及建国门附近,典型的作品有《和风》、《中国风》等,王府井街道上也出现了第一期作品。这一时期城市雕塑的
Currently, there is a glorious period of flourishing urban sculpture in China. Beijing played a leading role in this event with its special city status. Here is an example of the development of urban sculpture in Beijing, a brief review of the development of urban sculpture in China in recent years. In 1998, Beijing held a series of sculptures and exhibitions. In particular, it is worth mentioning that some of the sculpture design institutes basically held the urban sculpture design exhibition, and finally drew a “new world’s hope - the national urban sculpture design selection” Successful conclusion of this year by the industry is called “Sculpture Exhibition Year.” In 1999, more than 850 city sculptures were collected nationwide, and over 1000 pieces of exhibitions were held at the Beijing International Convention Center, the earliest exhibition named after the concept of “urban sculpture.” The purpose of that time was to introduce new works by newcomers, bring urban sculpture to the market, and establish the concept of urban sculpture in the minds of the people, which became the hallmark of the exhibition. Through that exhibition, we also found a problem that is too abstract, too realistic figuratively. After the exhibition was completed, we selected a number of proposals. After the project was completed, it stood near Chang’an Avenue, Xidan Square and Jianguomen. The typical works include “Peaceful Wind”, “Chinese Style”, and Wangfujing Street also appeared the first Period work. Urban sculpture of this period