甲状腺肿大压迫致气管软化常见,但同时伴气管骨化则罕见,本文报道气管软化伴骨化1例。 病例介绍 患者,男,36岁,因颈前部肿块10年入院。无呼吸困难,无声音嘶哑,进干食轻度受阻,无甲亢症状。查体:颈前稍偏左见一球形肿块,约8cm×10cm,质中等硬,表面光滑,随吞咽活动,气管向右侧移位。胸腹阴性。诊断:甲状腺囊肿。因肿块长期压迫气管,
The pressure of the thyroid gland is a common cause of tracheal softening, but it is also rare with trabecular ossification. This article reported one case of tracheal softening with ossification. Case presentation The patient, male, 36 years old, was admitted to the hospital with a lump at the front of the neck for 10 years. No breathing difficulties, no hoarseness, slight impediment to dry food, no symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Physical examination: A spherical mass was seen slightly to the left of the neck, approximately 8 cm x 10 cm, and it was medium hard with a smooth surface. With the swallowing activity, the trachea was shifted to the right side. Thoracic and abdominal negative. Diagnosis: Thyroid cyst. Long-term compression of the trachea due to lump,