靠山吃山、靠水吃水的张家界人,终于为自己的行为交上了一笔可观的学费,因为管理混乱,致使景区内城市化严重,破坏了环境和景观,面对明年联合国专家将再次前来对世界自然遗产称号的复查,耗资数亿元,历时十多年累积起来的武陵源核心景区的“山中小城”必须限期拆除。整个搬迁工程预计将于今年年底全部完成,房屋拆迁、移民安置以及后期的建设费用,将耗资3.45亿元。 其实,张家界人交的这笔学费,又岂止是为他们自己所交?如今还有多少急功近利的开发者在重蹈张家界人的覆辙?他们为了眼前利益,在风景名胜区私搭乱建,甚至以牺牲环境为代价也在所不惜,
Zhangjiajie people who rely on the mountains and eat and drink by water have finally handed in a considerable tuition fee for their behavior because of the disorderly management that has brought about serious urbanization in the scenic area and damaged the environment and landscape. In the face of next year the UN experts will once again To review the title of the World Natural Heritage, costing hundreds of millions of dollars, which lasted more than 10 years accumulated Wulingyuan core area “mountain town” must be demolished within a time limit. The entire relocation project is expected to be completed by the end of this year. Housing demolition, resettlement and post-construction costs will cost 345 million yuan. In fact, Zhangjiajie paid this tuition, but also for more than just for their own hands? Now how many quick successors repeat the same mistakes in Zhangjiajie people? They are in the immediate interests of the private ride in the scenic spots chaos, and even to At the expense of sacrificing the environment at the expense of,