我院药剂科和烧伤科共同研制的中药复方制剂——复方虎杖煎剂,自1983年应用于临床以来,对浅度烧伤创面治疗显著,现介绍如下。 1 处方 虎杖60克,大黄60克,细辛6克。 2 制备方法 取上述虎杖、大黄二味中药加水煎煮三次,每次一小时,将三次煎煮液合并,另将细辛按挥发油提取,滤除残渣,药液合并,分装于玻璃瓶中115℃灭菌30分钟即得。
The traditional Chinese medicine compound preparation, the Compound Polygonum cuspidatum decoction jointly developed by the Department of Pharmacy and Burns in our hospital, has been used clinically since 1983. The treatment of superficial burn wounds is significant and is presented below. 1 prescription Polygoni cuspidatum 60 grams, 60 grams of rhubarb, 6 grams of Asarum. 2 Preparation method Take the above-mentioned Polygonum cuspidatum and rhubarb two-flavored traditional Chinese medicines to decoct three times, one hour at a time, combine the three decoction liquors, and extract the asarum by volatile oil. The residue is filtered out, the liquid medicine is merged, and the liquid is dispensed into glass bottles. Sterilized at 115°C for 30 minutes.