近年来在北方地区 ,随着塑料大棚和温室的大量发展 ,白粉虱已成为花卉生产上的重要害虫 ,且为害日益严重。经观察 ,此虫主要危害瓜叶菊、天竺葵、茉莉、扶桑、倒挂金钟、大丽花、杜鹃、万寿菊、一串红、一品红等植物。危害症状 :该虫的成虫和幼虫均能危害 ,群居在寄主植物的叶
In recent years in northern China, with the large-scale development of plastic greenhouses and greenhouses, whitefly has become an important pest in the production of flowers and the damage is becoming more and more serious. It has been observed that this pest mainly endangers cineraria, geranium, jasmine, hibiscus, fuchsias, dahlia, rhododendron, marigold, string of red, poinsettia and other plants. Hazardous symptoms: the insect adults and larvae can harm, live in the host plant leaves