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位于莫斯科南部乡间的契诃夫故居——梅利霍沃庄园,不仅是世界上最伟大作家之一的圣地,更被视为铭刻着过去一个多世纪历史的纪念碑。在俄罗斯这样一个广袤而孤傲的国度,能找到一件为公众珍视、而且十分低调的文化珍宝多少会让人惊讶。安东·巴甫洛维奇·契诃夫的旧宅——梅利霍沃庄园博物馆就是这种地方。从地图上看,很难将它与附近的契诃夫镇区分开,不过,一旦游人穿过曾将契诃夫从80公里开外的莫斯科带到乡间的铁路,踏上通往梅利 Chekhov’s former home in the southern Chekhov countryside, Melikhoyo, is not only the sacred place of one of the world’s greatest writers, but is also considered to be a monument with a history dating back more than a century. In a vast and lonely country such as Russia, it is surprising how many precious cultural treasures can be found for the public and very low-key. And Anton Pavlovich Chekhov’s old home - Meli Hawok Manor Museum is such a place. From the map, it is difficult to distinguish it from the nearby town of Chekhov, however, once tourists pass through Moscow, which opened Chekhov from 80 km away, to the country railroad,