EDITOR’S EDITOR: This March, except for two sessions, the MH370, and a variety of postures to learn from Lei Feng. Lei Feng Who knows? In fact, it does not matter, even if only an ancient legend, it is important Lei Feng spirit. March 2011, we have planned a set of topics: Lei Feng descendants. Today, if the primary school language teacher’s requirement is to extract the central idea, that is: doing good is an altruistic act, and the motive of altruistic behavior is self-serving. That is to say, today you give a beggar 1 yuan. The root cause may be that one day When you become a beggar, the Lord will give you 100 dollars. Of course, such a metaphor is insignificant, but the security may not be a bad heart, you have up to reach people, hello everyone Hello everybody is really good, the order is not