‘秋霞红’是从北美枫香(Liquidambar styraciflua)种子实生后代中筛选出来的新品种,10月上旬叶色始红并逐渐加深。它气候适应性强,生长迅速,耐盐碱性好,水分管理简便、病虫害少。2004年经由美克尔国际集团引进,种源地为美国亚拉巴马州,气候特点类似于我国长江流域,雨水充足,但没有梅雨季节。实生播种繁殖后选育出植株生长‘
’Qiu Xia Hong’ is a new variety selected from the seeds of the native Liquidambar styraciflua seedlings. In early October, the leaf color began to red and gradually deepened. Its climate adaptability, rapid growth, good salt and alkali resistance, water management is simple, less pests and diseases. Introduced in 2004 by Merkel International Group, provenance for the United States Alabama, the climate characteristics similar to China’s Yangtze River valley, adequate rainfall, but no rainy season. Seedlings planted after planting seedlings grow ’