成都市首次举行的抢救、继承川剧传统剧目演出中,《漂母饭信》一戏,令人瞩目!这不仅因该剧久未上演,几乎失传,抢救出来,非常可贵;更为难得的是,戏中善良的漂母与落魄的韩信,分别由全国驰名的老艺人笑非和曾荣华扮演。演出时既有继承,又有发展,唱做念打,炉火纯青,塑造人物,神形兼备,所以观众誉之为“老树新花,千古绝唱”! 本来,由小丑“反串”漂母,已经饶有风趣,再加之笑非在造型上大出其新,更使这一角色别开生面,独树一帜!
Chengdu, the first rescue held, inherited the traditional drama performances in Sichuan Opera, “Drift letter” a drama, attract sb.’s attention! Not only because of the drama has not staged, almost lost, rescued, very valuable; more rare is, Kindness drift mother and abjection Han Xin, respectively, by the well-known old artists laughed and Tsang Wing Wah played. The performance of both inheritance, but also the development of singing, playing recite, blazing himself, shaping figures, both God-shaped, so the audience praised it as “the old tree new flowers, eternal love song!” Originally, by the clown “anti-string” drift mother, Interesting, plus laugh at the shape of a big new, but also make this role a unique, unique!