正如同袋鼠与树熊是澳大利亚的标志性 动物一样,桉树则是澳大利亚植物王 国中的标志性树种。作为一种常绿乔木,它的材树干高耸而挺直,这种原产于澳大利亚的树种在我国南方的广东、广西、海南等省区,以及云南均有大面积的人工种植。桉树浑身是宝,素有玉树、黄金树的美称。?
Just as kangaroos and koalas are iconic animals in Australia, eucalyptus is the iconic species in the Australian plant kingdom. As an evergreen tree, its timber trunk stands tall and straight. This tree native to Australia is widely planted in the provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan in southern China and in Yunnan. Eucalyptus whole body is a treasure, known as eucalyptus, golden tree reputation. ?