Older adult falls are a significant public health problem,but one that is amenable to preventive interventions.~(1,2)Despite the progress made in identifying risk factors,developing efficacious health-related interventions,and promoting evidencebased programs in the community,much work remains before these strategies are broadly available and effectively used to reduce fall-related injuries.~3 As Newton and ScottFindlay~4 have pointed out,the translation of basic scientific
Older adult falls are a significant public health problem, but one that is amenable to preventive interventions. ~ (1,2) Despite the progress made in identifying risk factors, developing efficacious health-related interventions, and promoting evidence-based programs in the community, much work remains before these strategies are broadly available and effectively used to reduce fall-related injuries. ~ 3 As Newton and ScottFindlay ~ 4 have pointed out, the translation of basic scientific