美国巨片《泰坦尼克号》最近已经在我国公演了,在此片公演之前,盗版的VCD早已在街头露面。所以,笔者估计看过此影片的人已不在少数。泰坦尼克号再次成为人们的街谈巷议。是的,人们不应该忘记人类海难史上最悲壮的一页! 1912年4月14日深夜11点40分到4月15日凌晨2点56分,泰坦尼克号渐渐消失在从英国南安普敦驶向美国纽约的航线上。美国巨片《泰坦尼克号》编织的所谓最纯真的爱情浪漫剧能让少男少女们一洒同情之泪,但是始终萦绕人们心头的一个问问题:What Really Sank the TITANIC? 我是一个“网虫”,每日下班回到家中,除了必要的家务之外,必端坐于电脑前,“周游列国,遍访各址,博览全球”。在最近的Popular Science上,一篇短文引起了我的注意,其中有泰坦尼克号沉没海底的过程介绍,也有泰坦尼克号沉没海底的原因探索。 读本文,我激动不已,甚至止不住热泪滚滚淌下。人类为了科学技术的进步.进行了艰苦卓绝的探索,毛泽东同志曾经说过,人类社会就是在大风大浪中发展起来的,人类总得不断地有所前进,有所发明,有所创造。 人类社会的巨轮又驶近了一个新的世纪之交。在上一个世纪之交,泰坦尼克号下水了,她可以说是当时的科技界的骄傲;泰坦尼克号沉没了,她可以说是为全世界设下了一个痛心的谜。自她出事后,近四分之
The American titan “Titanic” has recently been performed in China. Prior to this film performance, pirated VCDs have already appeared on the streets. Therefore, I estimate that there are not many people who have seen this video. The Titanic once again became the talk of the people. Yes, people should not forget the most tragic page in the history of the human shipwreck! From 11:40 in the night of April 14, 1912 to 2:56 in the morning of April 15, the Titanic disappeared from the Southampton, United Kingdom, route to New York. The so-called most innocent love romantic drama weaved by the American giant Titanic can bring tears of sympathy to boys and girls, but one question that always haunts people’s hearts is: What Really Sank the TITANIC? I am a “cyber worm”. , returning home from work every day, in addition to the necessary household affairs, must sit in front of the computer, “travel around the country, visit each site, exposing the world.” In recent Popular Science, an essay caught my attention, including the introduction of the Titanic sunken seabed and the exploration of the Titanic’s sunken seabed. Reading this article, I was excited and could not stop tears rolling. For the advancement of science and technology, mankind has made arduous explorations. Comrade Mao Zedong once said that human society is developed in the storm and the human race must constantly advance, invent, and create. The giant wheel of human society approached the turn of a new century. At the turn of the last century, when the Titanic was launched, she could be said to be the pride of the scientific and technological community at that time; the Titanic sank, and she could say that it had set a distressing mystery for the world. Since her accident, nearly a quarter