目的探讨在临床当中使用不同的药物对糖尿病患者的周围神经病变的治疗效果。方法在临床治疗当中整理我院80例糖尿病周围神经病变患者的临床资料,根据随机原则,将患者分为治疗组和对照组各40例,治疗组患者使用高氧液、前列腺素E1静脉滴注治疗,对照组患者使用NS100 ml、香丹20 ml、黄芪30 ml静脉滴注治疗,完成治疗之后对患者的治疗效果进行比较分析,采用临床检测的方法对患者的周围神经病变情况的治疗效果进行对比,观察不同药物治疗的临床效果。结果在临床治疗的过程中,患者的周围神经病变的治疗效果比较当中,治疗组患者的改善情况较为明显,P<0.05,整体治疗疗效较为显著。结论在临床治疗糖尿病的过程中,为了有效的对患者的周围神经病变情况进行治疗,可以采用高氧液、前列腺素E1进行治疗,提高患者的临床治疗效果,在临床上值得进行推广使用。
Objective To explore the clinical effects of using different drugs in the treatment of peripheral neuropathy in diabetic patients. Methods Clinical data of 80 patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy in our hospital were collected. According to the randomized principle, the patients were divided into treatment group and control group, 40 cases each. Patients in the treatment group were treated with hyperoxia liquid and prostaglandin E1 intravenous infusion The patients in the control group were treated with intravenous infusion of NS100 ml, Xiangdan 20 ml and Astragalus membranaceus 30 ml. After treatment, the therapeutic effect of the patients was compared and analyzed. The clinical effect of the treatment on the patients with peripheral neuropathy was evaluated Contrast, observe the clinical effect of different drug treatment. Results In the course of clinical treatment, patients with peripheral neuropathy compared to the treatment effect, the treatment group patients improved more obvious, P <0.05, the overall effect of treatment was significant. Conclusion In the process of clinical treatment of diabetes, in order to effectively treat patients with peripheral neuropathy, hyperoxia liquid and prostaglandin E1 can be used to improve the clinical therapeutic effect of the patients, so it is worth to be used clinically.