1选茬整地,改垄夹肥玉米的适应性较强,对土壤和轮作的要求不十分严格,从茬口的选择上,除甜菜茬、向日葵茬外均可种植,这两种作物的茬口属硬瘦茬,不适于种玉米。选地要选择排水良好、不积水的地块种植。要求做到伏秋整地,规方连片种植,整地改垄前施农家肥30 000~37 500kg/hm~2,然后用轻重耙耙一遍。起垄的方法是将65cm小垄改成130cm大垄。2种子选择和处理
1 stubble site preparation, improved ridge clip maize more adaptable to the requirements of the soil and rotation is not very strict, from the choice of stubble, in addition to beet stubble, sunflower can be planted outside, both crop stub Hard stubble, not suitable for planting corn. Elect to choose well-drained, plots plots planted. Requirements of autumn and fall planting, regulation contiguous planting, land improvement before the manure applied to improve the ridge 30 000 ~ 37 500kg / hm ~ 2, and then rake harrow again. Ridge method is to change the small ridge 65cm 130cm big ridge. 2 seed selection and treatment