每次陪妻子上街,妻子总是把钱塞进我的口袋里,而她自己则身无分文。一开始,我还当她外衣没口袋,后来发现,有口袋时也是如此。我好生奇怪,问:“怎么把钱放到我的口袋里?”她笑了笑:“你就当我的‘皮夹子’好了。”话说到这份上,我还有啥可说。 既然是她的“皮夹子”,自然是她采购,我付钱。妻子跟大多数女性一样,喜欢逛百货商店、服装店、布料市场……有时,在一套时装、一块布料面前能“磨”上半天,并不时问我:怎么样,好不好?我知道她的个性,最讨厌人家做有口无心的“应声虫”,对我也不例外。
Every time I went to the streets with my wife, my wife always put money in my pocket, and she was penniless. At first, when I was still in her coat, I did not find it, but later I found it in pockets. I was terribly bizarre and asks, “How do I put money in my pocket?” She smiled: “You’re my wallet,” and I have something to say about it. Since it is her “wallet”, of course, she purchased, I paid. Like most women, my wife likes to go to department stores, clothing stores, and cloth markets ... Sometimes, in a fashion, a piece of cloth can be “worn” for half a day, and from time to time ask me: how are you? I know her Personality, the most annoying people do mouth unintended “voice”, to me is no exception.