依据对城市化的不同认知态度和政策需求,中国的农民工可以区分为三级四个非正式群体,而农民 工群体中的的不同部分对城市化则存在着显著差异的政策需求;在各种与二元户籍体制相联系的福利制度不能同步 跟进的情况下,考虑到可能引发的其他政策并发症,不宜贸然地改革现行的户籍制度;同时,农民工也并非推进农 村土地制度改革的天然阻力,如果国家能够提供必要的政策供给,甚至大部分农民工可以成为推动农村土地制度改 革的重要动力;中国的城市化进程应跳出“身份城市化”的陷阱,更多地从农民工群体的实际利益出发,在保持社 会合理流动的前提下,结合农村土地制度改革,有步骤的稳步推进。
Based on different cognitive attitudes and policy needs for urbanization, migrant workers in China can be divided into four informal groups at three levels, while different segments of migrant workers’ groups have significant differences in policy requirements for urbanization. At Under the circumstances that the welfare system linked to the dual household registration system can not be followed up simultaneously, the existing household registration system should not be reformized in a rash fashion considering the possible policy complications. At the same time, migrant workers are not pushing forward the reform of the rural land system If the country can provide the necessary policy supply, even the majority of migrant workers can become an important driving force to promote the reform of rural land system. The process of urbanization in China should jump out of the trap of “identity urbanization,” and more from migrant workers Based on the actual interests of the community and under the precondition of maintaining a rational social mobility, the reform of rural land system should be followed with steady steps.