学邯钢 找出路 依靠职工增效益

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京唐板纸厂位于乐亭县阁楼坨乡,现有固定资产2590万元,年生产牛皮挂面箱板纸1.2万吨。1995年完成产值3640万元,获利税228万元。进入1996年,由于原材料的大幅度上扬,产品价格下跌,至使该厂第一季度就出现了亏损,面对亏损的局面,“邯钢经验”为他们打破了僵局,指出了明路。通过推行“市场——倒推——否决——全员”这一管理机制,使板纸的成本下降300元左右,实现了扭亏为盈,初步尝到了学邯钢的甜头。一、要学邯钢经,先做邯钢人邯钢总经理刘汉章讲的好,邯钢实施的“模拟市场、成本否决”的管理机制,是在广大工人群众的拥护和支持下搞成功的。学习邯钢经验,就得象邯钢那样,领导对待职工做到政治上依靠、经营上依靠、技术上培养、生产上关心,以领导的诚心实意换取职工 Jingtang board and paper mill is located in Laoting Township, Laoting County. It has fixed assets of 25.9 million yuan and annual production capacity of 12,000 tons of cowhide liner noodles. In 1995, the output value was 36.4 million yuan and the profit tax was 2.28 million yuan. In 1996, due to the substantial increase in raw materials, the prices of products fell to the point that the plant suffered a loss in the first quarter. In the face of loss, “Shandong Steel Experience” broke the deadlock for them and pointed out the Ming Road. . Through the implementation of the “market - back push - veto - all staff ” this management mechanism, so that the cost of board paper fell by 300 yuan, to achieve profitability, initially tasted the sweetness of the school. First, we must learn from the steel classics, first do Liu Hanzhang, general manager of Handan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., said that the management mechanism of “simulated market and cost veto” implemented by Handan Iron and Steel is to be supported by the support and support of the majority of workers. successful. Learning from the experience of Handan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. has to be like that of the Handan Iron and Steel Company. Leaders treat their employees as politically dependent, relying on operations, training on technology, and caring for production, and exchange their employees sincerely with the leadership.
从机械工业部汽车司获悉,“九五”期间,我国汽车工业将通过打好“提高产品质量、优化组织结构、增强开发能力”三大战役,实现汽车工业全面启动振兴的目标。 It was learned
日前,105#产品生产定型鉴定会在河南向东机械厂召开。会议由新产品定型委员会组织的兵器工业总公司军品部和中国人民解放军总参兵种部联合主持,14个单位60名专家、代表 A f
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