艺术与时代,与生活息息相关,只有那些真正反映了民族精神,体现了民族凝聚力、技巧高超的作品,才能成为后人赞颂的传世之作。早在抗日战争年代,聂耳创作了《义勇军进行曲》、冼星海创作了《黄河大合唱》,这两首歌曲激励着我们几代人,我的人生观和创作道路正是在这些爱国主义的优秀作品影响下形成的。 今年六月我赴沪参加“广西农民画展”的工作,在返途中目睹南方的洪水灾害和人们
Art and the times are closely related to life. Only those works that truly reflect the national spirit and reflect the cohesiveness of the nation and the superb techniques can become the handed down pieces praised by posterity. As early as the Anti-Japanese War era, Nie Er created the “March of the Volunteer Army,” and Xian Xinghai created the “Yellow River Chorus.” These two songs inspired generations of our people. My outlook on life and the creative path are precisely in these excellent patriotic Works under the influence of the formation. In June of this year, I went to Shanghai to participate in the exhibition of Guangxi Peasants’ Paintings and saw the flood disaster and people in the south during the return trip