急性脑梗死临床上表现为肢体瘫痪等,而表现为偏侧舞蹈症者临床上极少见。现将我院1994~2003年收治的9例报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 9例病人,男6例,女3例,年龄58~74岁,平均62.4岁。既往有高血压病史者7例,冠心病史4例,糖尿病史2例,脑梗死病史3例。既往均无舞蹈症病史,家族中无类似疾病及遗传病史。其中8例经头部 CT 检查证实为脑梗死,1例头颅 CT 无明显异常。1.2 临床表现
Acute cerebral infarction clinical manifestations of limb paralysis, etc., while the performance of chorea are clinically rare. Now our hospital from 1994 to 2003 admitted 9 cases are as follows. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General Information 9 patients, 6 males and 3 females, aged 58 to 74 years, an average of 62.4 years old. Previous history of hypertension in 7 cases, 4 cases of coronary heart disease, diabetes history in 2 cases, history of cerebral infarction in 3 cases. No previous history of chorea, no similar family history of disease and genetic history. Eight of them were proved to be cerebral infarction by CT examination of the head, and no significant abnormality of CT was observed in one patient. 1.2 clinical manifestations