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王庆成先生在太平天国档案文献的搜集、编纂、校勘和考释等方面作出了重要贡献,先生在60余年的治学实践中形成了系统、全面的档案文献研究方法。在档案搜集方面,他重视海外实地发掘和利用人脉搜集;在档案编纂方面,倡行以事类和丛书体例为主的编纂方法;在档案考释方面,补充和发扬了史家不足的档案外部考订法,但不孤立地采用某种方法,而是注重宏观和微观结合,外部考订与内部鉴辨相结合。王庆成先生关注档案文献体系构建,重视理论思维,强调学术研究现实关怀的学术经验和严谨求实、笃诚质朴的崇高品格值得历史学界和档案学界的研究者共同分享、学习和借鉴。 Mr. Wang Qingcheng made important contributions to the collection, compilation, collation and examination of the archives of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Mr. Liu has formed a systematic and comprehensive research method of archival and documentary materials in more than 60 years of his practice. In archives collection, he paid attention to overseas field excavation and utilization of network connection; in the compilation of archives, he advocated the compilation method based on the categories of events and books; in terms of archives examination and correction, he supplemented and carried forward the historical examination of archives lacking in history , But not using a method in isolation, but focusing on the combination of macro and micro, external examination and internal inspection combined. Mr. Wang Qingcheng pays close attention to the construction of archives and documentation systems, emphasizes theoretical thinking, emphasizes the academic experience and rigorous truth-seeking of realistic concern of academic research, and is worthy of sharing, learning and drawing lessons from historians and researchers in archival studies.
一、填空题 (每空格 1分 ,计 31分 )1 .证明大气压存在的著名实验是 ;意大利科学家首先测定了大气压的数值。2 .潜水艇是靠改变来实现上浮和下沉的 ,气象台放出的探测气球是
我们自1992年3月至1995年3月,使用维生素B_6与消炎痛对比治疗原发性痛经200例疗效满意。现报道如下。 We from March 1992 to March 1995, the use of vitamin B_6 compare
Unit 2 5 Where are you from?一、语法一般现在时一般现在时表示经常性或习惯的动作 ,也可表示现在的状态或主语具备的性格和能力。其肯定式为动词原形 (第三人称单数除外 )
2014年,雷沃重工集团在年底的商务大会上低调宣布全资收购了意大利国宝级高端农业装备品牌“阿波斯ARBOS”及以精量播种机研发制造闻名于欧洲的“马特马克(Mater Macc)”。消