In the history of tennis in the world, John McEnroe can be described as “notorious.” No one has been so strongly criticized by the media as he did. He seems to be a poor, ill-fated child, In front of the camera of the video camera, the referee is at a raucous moment, and it seems as if the problem can not be rectified in this life, and at the French Open in June this year, he again abusive the referee. As a result, he was naturally disqualified And fined.However, no one can deny that McEnroe is a good tennis player, is a talented athlete, and is the second generation after the Borg world tennis tennis king family John McCann Lo, borrowed from the United States, belongs to Ireland, and his place of birth was in West Germany. John McCenrol was born on 17 February 1959 in the city of West Davis. John is the eldest son of this family. After serving in the army, his father retired and his family was near New York.Once the old McEnroe lost no time in entering college to study law, he finally got a university degree and became a Wall Street lawyer.