Objective To evaluate the molecular targeted therapy of tumor in the six cities in the Yangtze River valley from 2004 to 2007. Methods Statistical data were collected from clinical data of molecular target therapy for cancer from 2004 to 2007 in 6 hospital networked hospitals in China. The medication amount and medication frequency were ranked. Results In 6 cities in the Yangtze River basin, the use of targeted molecular drugs for cancer increased rapidly from 19.24 million yuan in 2004 to 173 million yuan in 2007, with an average annual growth rate of 107.98%. Shanghai topped the amount of medication, Chengdu, the fastest average annual growth rate. The growth of anti-signal transducers was significantly faster than that of anti-tumor monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), with DDDs ranked prior to anti-tumor mAbs. Conclusion Sixty-three cities in the Yangtze River basin have been rapidly increasing their use of molecular targeted therapy drugs, indicating a good trend of combining tumor-targeted therapy with traditional chemotherapy. Anti-signal transduction drugs are widely used, may be related to drug indications and price factors are related.