刺楸(Kaolpanax septemlobus)是五加科落叶乔木。它生长迅速,适应性强,在我国东北、华北、华中、华南和西南地区都有分布。刺楸的木材纹理细致,刨削后有光泽,易加工,耐摩擦,抗腐力强,可做建筑、桥梁、胶合板等工业用材,也是上等的家具材;种子含油率达38%,可做工业用油、可制肥皂;叶和树皮含鞣质13—30%,可制取栲胶;根、根皮或树皮入药。可做针叶林的防火林带。因此,刺楸在国民经济和日常生活中具有重要的经济价值。刺楸过去主要依靠天然更新繁殖,因多年
Katalus (Kaolpanax septemlobus) is a deciduous tree. Its rapid growth and adaptability, distribution in Northeast China, North China, Central China, South China and Southwest China. Catalpa bungei wood texture and meticulous, planing glossy, easy processing, abrasion resistance, corrosion resistance, do construction, bridges, plywood and other industrial timber, but also the finest furniture material; seed oil content of 38%, can be Do industrial oil, the system can be made of soap; leaves and bark tannin 13-30%, can be made Trichosanthes; root bark or bark medicine. Firewood forest coniferous forest. Therefore, Katsura has important economic value in national economy and daily life. Katy past mainly rely on the natural regeneration of breeding, because for many years