
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qingkonglanglang
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Q:怎样辨认四倍体刺槐?A:四倍体刺槐用仪器检验和用肉眼观察辨认都比较简单。根据目前大多数引种者的条件限制,掌握用直观法检验四倍体的真伪很有必要。四倍体刺槐区别于普通刺槐、香花槐、速生槐和其他槐类最显著的特点有两个:一是幼苗期四倍体刺槐(H<15厘米)复叶顶端的一片叶子是圆形的,而其他品种都是椭圆形的。二是四倍体刺槐长至1米时,它的产叶优势明显地凸现出来,取样与普通刺槐相比,复叶长度、叶片厚度都大大超过普通刺槐。但要真正掌握上述两种鉴别方法,必须通过生产实践。Q:怎样确保引种四倍体刺槐的质量?A:四倍体虽已通过有关部门鉴定,并在绿化和经济价值上初露端倪。不少地区单位和个人结合自身条件都有意引种和扩繁。但笔者根据几年来到引种国(韩国)的考察和自身大规模种植四倍体刺槐的实践体会到:四倍体刺槐的研究开发和扩大推广还有很长的路 Q: How to identify tetraploid black locusts? A: Tetraploid locust locusts are easy to test with the naked eye. According to the current conditions of most of the seeders, it is necessary to master the authenticity of the tetraploid using the visual method. Tetraploid locusts different from the common Robinia pseudoacacia, Sophora japonica, Sophora japonica and other Huai class two most significant features: First, seedling tetraploid black locust (H <15 cm) at the top of the compound leaf is round , While other varieties are oval. The second is the tetraploid black locust as long as 1 m, it leaves the obvious advantages of its apparent sampling compared with the ordinary black locust, the length of the compound leaves, the thickness of the leaves are much larger than the ordinary black locust. However, to really grasp the above two methods of identification, we must pass the production practice. Q: How to ensure the quality of tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia? A: Although tetraploids have been identified by the relevant departments, and the greenery and economic value of clues. Many units and individuals in the region are interested in introduction and expansion in light of their own conditions. However, according to several years’ experience in the introduction country (South Korea) and its own large-scale cultivation of tetraploid black locusts, the author realized that tetraploid black locusts have a long way to go in the research, development and promotion
小档案姓名:攀岩雅号:岩壁上的芭蕾出生:20世纪50年代性格:勇敢、顽强、坚韧不拔简介 早在1865年,英国登山家埃德瓦特就首次使用简易设备,成功攀上险峰。上世纪60年代初,前苏
丁俊晖夺冠是个热点新闻,随后某媒体从小丁嘴里挖出的“读书无用论”,则成了更热的新闻,并引起了热烈的讨论,但究其根源,这些言论大有混淆视听之嫌。 Ding Junhui win is a