第二讲 无土栽培的设施及形式

来源 :农业工程实用技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuzhangbin
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在上一讲中我们概述了无土栽培的历史,现状及栽培上的许多优势。这一讲讲如何进行无土栽培。首先应当了解它的栽培设施及形式。因为无土栽培的特点是不受土壤的局限,其栽培的地点较土壤栽培更为广泛,但在栽培时必须有一定的栽培容器和相应的栽培形式和设备。一地点的选择在具备一定光照、温度、水源条件下的空旷场地,都可进行无土栽培。一般在蔬菜园地栽培,也可以利用沙漠、山地、河滩,盐碱地进行栽培。在城市还可利用楼房的凉台,楼顶,边沿空地进行栽培。但在当前条件下,由于无土栽培要求的设备和栽培技术较高,怍为大面积栽培来说,还只用于温室,塑料大棚等保护地生产。从栽培的作物来说,主要用于蔬菜、花卉栽培和作物育苗。二栽培用具及材料 In the previous lecture, we outlined the history, current status and many advantages of cultivation in soilless culture. This talk about how to carry out soilless cultivation. First, we should understand its cultivation facilities and forms. Because the characteristics of soilless culture are not limited by the soil, the cultivation site is more extensively cultivated than the soil, but in the cultivation must have a certain cultivation container and the corresponding cultivation forms and equipment. A choice of location In a certain light, temperature, water conditions open space, can be soilless culture. Generally cultivated in the vegetable garden, you can also use the desert, mountains, beaches, saline cultivation. In the city can also use the building’s veranda, roof, edge cultivation. However, under current conditions, due to the equipment and cultivation techniques required for soilless cultivation, 怍 is a large area cultivation, it is only used for the production of greenhouses, plastic greenhouses and other protected areas. From cultivated crops, it is mainly used for vegetables, flower cultivation and crop nursery. Two cultivation equipment and materials
奥地利施泰尔-戴姆勒-普赫特种车辆公司公开了其“劫掠者”Ⅱ8×8轮式装甲输送车的样车照片。该车是竞争波兰陆军对新型轮式装甲输送车车族需求的竞标车之一。 该公司于2001
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