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校园供水管网一旦发生测漏,影响师生用水,基于此,地下三维管网被应用到校园供水管网测漏系统设计中。本文将从校园供水管网测漏现状基本情况入手,结合地下三维管网及其作用,重点研究地下三维管网校园供水管网测漏系统设计。 In the event of a leak in campus water supply network, affecting the water for teachers and students, based on this, the underground three-dimensional pipe network is applied to the campus water supply network leak detection system design. This article starts with the basic situation of leak detection on the campus water supply network. Combining with the underground three-dimensional network and its function, this paper focuses on the design of leak detection system for the underground three-dimensional campus network.
一个高昂和挺拔的背影,一个被抚摸着长得这么大的背影,终于消失在匆匆奔走的人群中间,消失在候机大厅的尽头。真可惜自己的眼睛无法跟着他拐弯,要不然的话,就能够瞧着他登上飞机了;更遗憾的是自己这双眼睛,无法看见地球的那一边,要不然的话,就能够瞧着他在芝加哥走下飞机了。  当我正忧郁地陷入沉思时,肖风轻轻拉着我手腕,我们俩的眼睛默默对视着,我怕她会哭起来,她却在凄婉的神情中,勉强地露出了笑容,像是自言自语