4月初,第十届上海音响大展上,日本天龙音响推出“大卫晶钻”等三套拳头产品,并透露2002年度在华东开办50多家天龙特许专卖店之计划。这无疑在黄埔江上空发射了一颗耀眼的信号弹:上海,桥头堡,华东,志在必得! 笔者有幸采访了新近上任的亚洲天龙公司负责人岩本雅树先生。岩本四十岁上下,年轻俊朗。记者:(以下简称“记”):与去年上海音响展比,今年有点萧条,令人不容乐观。而天龙店(中国)机构宣布今年要在华东新开50多家网点,基于何种理由?
At the beginning of April, at the 10th Shanghai Audio Exhibition, Japan Tianlong Audio introduced three sets of “David Crystal Diamond” and other high-quality products, and disclosed plans to open more than 50 franchised stores in East China in 2002. This undoubtedly launched a dazzling signal bomb over the Huangpu River: Shanghai, the bridgehead, East China, and the will! The author had the privilege of interviewing the newly appointed Asian Tianlong company head Mr. Iwamoto Yashu. Iwamoto is 40 years old and young and handsome. Reporter: (hereinafter referred to as “Note”): Compared with last year’s Shanghai Audio Show, this year is a bit depressed, which is not optimistic. The Tianlong Store (China) Agency announced that it will open more than 50 outlets in East China this year. What are the reasons?