70年代加拿大发生一起奇怪的食物中毒死亡事故,查来查去,杀人元凶竟是餐具中的铅。 日常生活中,有些餐具已成为人体中有害微量元素的来源,如陶瓷制品、搪瓷器皿、马口铁罐等。检测证明,越是盛放灼热的食品或过酸的食品,其测出的有害微量元素越高。这是因为在陶瓷、搪瓷制品的表面涂有一层釉,釉是由氧化锑、氧化锡等物质组成的;釉中还含有砷、镉等,遇到过热、过酸的食物时,这些有害微量元素便会释放出来,随食物进入体内,导致蓄积中毒。
A strange food poisoning death occurred in Canada in the 1970s. Charles Chacha went to kill lead culprits in lead in tableware. In daily life, some tableware has become a source of harmful trace elements in the human body, such as ceramic products, enamelware, tin cans and so on. Test proved that, the more full bloom of hot food or too acid food, the higher the measured harmful trace elements. This is because the surface of ceramic, enamel products coated with a layer of glaze, glaze is made of antimony oxide, tin oxide and other substances; glaze also contains arsenic, cadmium, etc., in the event of overheating, peracid food, these harmful trace Elements will be released, with the food into the body, resulting in accumulation of poisoning.