Agora Bogota Convention Centree

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  Agora Bogotá Convention Centre is located strategically 3 km (two miles) from the historic centre of Bogotá and 8 km (five miles) from El Dorado International airport - and within the trade fairs, events and congress cluster of Bogotá.
  Bogota has a market of more than 10.8 million inhabitants supported by a solid and diversified economy. In 2017, the city’s GDP represented 32.4% of Colombia’s total. ágora Bogota opened its doors in 2017 to be a transforming axis for the city and become the epicenter of major conventions and events. Furthermore, ágora is part of the Innovation Zone that connects the Airport with the City Center. These spaces create a large linear park that unites the North and South of the city.
  ágora is the result of a public-private partnership, led by the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá, Corferias and the National Government through the Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Tourism, and FONTUR. All of them contributed the consolidation of the events industry by providing the appropriate infrastructure for conventions, congresses, trade shows and public shows. CORFERIAS, the largest fairground in Colombia, is the convention centre’s operator.
  Inspired by the principles of transparency and visibility, ágora seeks to ensure that anyone who attends an event will feel as comfortable as possible in a corporate environment which is at the same time attractive, in the spaces that harmonise with the spectacular mountains that surround Bogotá.
  ágora has a total area of 64,883 sqm. The building occupies a square of 81x81 meters and reaches up to 49 meters in height.
  It is a multifunctional space distributed in five floors and more than 18 meeting rooms ideal for congresses, conventions, meetings and exhibitions. The last floor has a capacity for 4,000 people. Its design follows principles of transparency, luminosity, integration with the environment and respect for green and inclusive areas.
  It has artificial lighting on the facade. Kilometers of LED strips are integrated into the aluminum carpentry to illuminate the faces of the profiles and accentuate the depth of the facade. The system includes a grid of controllers that allow a sober variation of tones. These accentuate the diversity of glass areas and generate movement depending on the occupancy of the building. It has 1,000 spaces available for vehicles and 300 for bicycles.
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