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“荒田吉明奖”是以荒田吉明教授命名的国际焊接学会五项大奖之一。自1997年命名后,每年颁布一次,主要奖给那些在焊接科学技术及应用的基础研究领域有杰出成就,对焊接工程及相关领域有杰出贡献的专家学者。鉴于关桥院士对于中国焊接工程乃至世界焊接技术领域的杰出贡献,经中国焊接学会推荐,国际焊接学会技术委员会评选,在1999年“荒田吉明奖”的评选中关桥院士摘取桂冠,颁奖典礼将在里斯本召开的1999年国际焊接学会年会的开幕式上进行。关桥院士是中国焊接科学技术领域杰出的专家,他在1990年至1995年任中国机械工程学会 The Arashiyaki Award is one of the five awards of the International Welding Society named after Professor Arak Hyde. It has been promulgated once a year since it was named in 1997. It is mainly awarded to experts and scholars who have made outstanding achievements in the basic research of welding science and technology and applied fields and have made outstanding contributions to welding engineering and related fields. In view of the outstanding contribution of academician Guan Qiao to the welding engineering in China and even the world welding technology, as recommended by the China Welding Society and selected by the Technical Committee of the International Welding Society, the academician of Zhongguanqiao won the title and awarding ceremony Will be held in Lisbon in 1999 International Welding Society annual meeting at the opening ceremony. Academician Guan Qiao is an outstanding expert in China’s welding science and technology field. From 1990 to 1995, he served as a member of China Mechanical Engineering Society
The hydrogen abstraction reacton of F atoms with C2H2 was studied by ab initio methods at UMP2/6-31 G** level with energy gredient technique. The intrinsic reac
The title compound, Sm3 (SiO4),2Cl, crystallizes in orthorhombic system, space group Pnma, with cell dimensions a= 7. 023 (2), b= 18. 022 (4), c= 6. 282(3) A, V