以145个玉米自交系作为试验材料,对其籽粒人工接种黄曲霉菌(Aspergillus flavus),根据籽粒的发病情况进行抗性鉴定。结果表明:(1)各玉米自交系对黄曲霉菌的抗性有极显著的差异,在145个自交系中,高抗的8份,中抗的72份,中感的57份,高感的8份;(2)对黄曲霉菌有较高抗性的自交系大多数来自于我国的南方地区;(3)通过辐射处理,对于提高抗性可能有较好的效果;(4)爆裂玉米具有较好的抗性;(5)不同致病菌株接种,抗性反应有差异。
In this study, 145 maize inbred lines were used as experimental materials, and their seeds were inoculated with Aspergillus flavus, and their resistance was evaluated according to the incidence of grain. The results showed that: (1) The resistance of Aspergillus flavus to maize inbred lines had extremely significant difference. Among 145 inbred lines, 8 were highly resistant, 72 were moderately resistant, 57 were moderately susceptible, (2) Inbred lines with higher resistance to Aspergillus flavus come from most of southern China; (3) Radiation treatment may have better effect on improving resistance; ( 4) burst corn has better resistance; (5) different pathogenic strains inoculated, there are differences in resistance.