
来源 :上海口腔医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feylodiw
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本实验用常规法、逐步后退法和超声法三种方法预备后牙弯曲细小根管,再分别用传统侧压充填法和热侧压充填法进行充填,然后比较其根尖封闭能力。结果表明:热侧压充填法的根尖封闭能力优于传统的侧压充填法,并能在一定程度上弥补常规法和超声法预备弯曲细小根管成形不佳的缺陷,增加其根尖封闭能力 In this study, we used conventional method, stepwise retrograde method and ultrasonic method to prepare small root canal curved root canal, and then filled them with traditional lateral pressure filling method and hot side pressure filling method respectively, and then compared their apical sealing ability. The results showed that the apical sealing ability of the hot side pressure filling method is superior to the traditional side pressure filling method and can make up for the defects of the conventional method and the ultrasonic method in the preparation of the small curved root canal forming defects and increase the apical sealing ability