
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tdsl
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随着我国旅游业的不断发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,以及消费者生活理念的不断变化,旅游消费者出游形式发生了明显的变化,消费者从传统的跟团旅游越来越多的选择自助游自由行,而且散客出游的比例在逐年递增,基于散客旅游时代的到来,我国旅行社业必须对自身产品进行重新的定位,以满足不同类型散客出游的需要。本文从分析我国散客旅游市场出发,结合我国旅行社经营现状,给出了当前我国旅行社产品开发的具体策略。 With the continuous development of China’s tourism industry and the continuous improvement of people’s living standards, as well as the ever-changing concept of consumer life, tourism consumers travel patterns have undergone significant changes in consumers from the traditional group travel more and more choices Travel free exercise, but the proportion of FIT travel is increasing year by year, based on the advent of FIT tourism, China’s travel industry must re-locate their own products to meet the needs of different types of FIT travel. Based on the analysis of China’s individual travel market, combined with the status quo of China’s travel agency business, this article gives a specific strategy for the current development of China’s travel agency products.
【摘要】西方国家采用的会计准则制定模式大体分为三种,这三种模式各有其利弊。我国实行的政府制定会计准则的模式适合我国国情,是一种比较合理的模式。但不可否认我国会计准则制定模式还存在着各种问题。为此我国可以借鉴西方的一些先进制度,取长补短,使我国会计准则制定体制更加完善。  【关键词】会计准则制定模式;西方;中国    1.西方会计准则制定模式分析  1.1民间自主制  英国的准则制定模式是一种政府几