惠普文化像有一双尖利的铁爪,能抓住人心,让文化在不知不觉之中成为惠普管理特色。 19年前,刚刚在美国获得MBA学位的陈翼良,第一次踏进惠普总部大门时,便被惠普文化深深吸引,竟毅然抛弃几大摊子家族企业于不顾,投身到惠普的怀抱。虽然陈翼良在惠普“苦熬”17年才坐上中国惠普总裁的座位,但陈翼良认为选择在惠普做事情很值得,他每一次在惠普内部调动工作,都学到不少的东西,而现在惠普的员工已从当初的5万发展到12万人,在世界500强企业中,惠普已从150位跃升到第13位。
Hewlett-Packard culture has a pair of sharp iron claws, to seize the hearts of people, so that culture has become unconscious HP management features. 19 years ago, Chen Yi-liang, who just got MBA degree in the United States, was deeply attracted by Hewlett-Packard culture when he stepped into the gate of Hewlett-Packard headquarters for the first time. Instead, he decided to abandon several large-scale family businesses and plunge into Hewlett-Packard. Although Chen Yi-liang in Hewlett-Packard “suffering” 17 years to get into the seat of the president of China’s Hewlett-Packard, but Chen Yi-liang that doing things is worth HP at HP, every time he mobilized within HP, have learned a lot of things, but now Hewlett-Packard employees have grown from the original 50000 to 120,000, the world’s top 500 enterprises, HP has jumped from 150 to 13th.