《长江蔬菜》编辑部: 我是《长江蔬菜》的忠实读者。今年我种了1.5亩辣椒,由于防落素使用不当,一度使辣椒陷入绝境,是《长江蔬菜》使我家的辣椒起死回生,我要借贵刊一角表示感谢! 去年5月中旬,我因保花保果心切,用南京电化二厂生产的2.5%防落素(水溶性)按1:2500的比例,每3~5天喷洒一次,连续3次,结果大祸从天而降:无蕾无花无新叶,叶片皱缩,辣椒停止生长,果呈
“Yangtze River Vegetable” Editorial Department: I am a faithful reader of the “Yangtze River Vegetable”. This year, I planted 1.5 acres of peppers. As a result of the improper use of anti-pelagic substances, peppers were once in a state of despair. As the “Yangtze River vegetables,” the peppers in my home were brought back to life. I would like to express my gratitude by the corner of your magazine! Paul fruit eager, with the Nanjing Electrochemical Plant 2.5% of the production of anti-pigmentation (water-soluble) by 1: 2500 ratio, spray every 3 to 5 days, 3 times in a row, the result is catastrophic: Leaves, leaves shrink, peppers stop growing, fruit was