Jianshi County, Hubei Province Luo commune and Tea Garden commune about 25 kilometers apart. Luo commune elevation of 500 meters, has always been to burn stone coal as fuel: Tea Park commune 700 meters above sea level, before long-term firewood, nearly 3 to 5 years gradually changed to burn high-quality coal. In June 1982 and August 1984, we successively investigated the epidemiology and prevalence of fluorine in three production teams in Luo and two production teams in the tea plantation. Luo dental fluorosis prevalence rate of 93.4%, 0% of the tea garden. It is reported that both drinking water fluorine content is lower than the national health standards. Luo food, vegetables, air fluoride content exceeds the national standard, while the tea plant in addition to corn (dry) fluorine content slightly higher, the other are within the scope of the provisions.