2 0世纪 3 0年代初 ,由胡适和他的几个朋友共同创办的同人刊物《独立评论》 ,在当时享誉全国 ,于知识界影响甚大。一般略微熟悉中国近代史者无人不知。但当年具体管理这份发行量很大的杂志的全部庶务工作 (包括校对、付印、收发等事宜 )的人 ,却几乎无人记得。此人即是黎昔非先生。黎先生原是中国公学的学生。他尊师爱友 ,热忱敬业 ,对公益事业具有高尚的献身精神。这是非常可贵的 ,对于这样一位值得敬佩的前贤 ,我们不应让他的名字被埋没。胡适先生当年对黎昔非的工作非常满意 ,不止一次地在《独立评论》的《编后记》中对他表示感谢之忱。 2 0 0 2年是《独立评论》创刊 70周年 ,又是黎昔非先生诞辰 10 0周年 ,特写此文 ,以为纪念
At the beginning of the 1930s, the peer-reviewed “Independent Review,” co-founded by Hu Shi and several of his friends, enjoyed a great reputation throughout the country and greatly influenced the intellectual community. Generally familiar with modern Chinese history no one knows. However, few of the people who were in charge of all the general affairs (including proofreading, printing, sending and receiving, etc.) of the heavily circulated magazine at that year were almost unforgettable. This person is Mr. Xi Xi Fei. Mr. Li was originally a student of Chinese public school. He respected a friend, dedication, dedicated to the cause of public welfare noble dedication. This is very valuable. For such a worthy predecessor, we should not let his name be buried. Hu Shih was very satisfied with the work of Lebanon and Libya at that time and more than once expressed his appreciation to him in the “Postscript” of the Independent Review. 2002 is the 70th anniversary of the founding of Independent Review and the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mr. Leo Xibi.