连城县星光果场于95年首次从日本佐贺县引进了“94川3号”特早熟蜜柑(砧穗组合:特早熟蜜柑/枳壳),经矮化密植(亩植400株)试验,总结出早结早熟丰产的成功经验。现将特早熟蜜柑矮化开张型树冠形成的树体管理技术介绍如下: 一、种植成果 1.成熟期早,表现为早熟性。比目
Liancheng County Xingguo Fruit Farm first introduced “94 Chuan 3” special early-matured mandarin (root scion combination: special early-maty orange / Citrus aurantium) from Saga County, Japan in 1995. After dwarf and dense planting (400 mu of planting) Summarize the successful experience of early knot and high yield. Now the special precocious mandarin dwarf open crown-formed tree management techniques are as follows: First, the planting results 1. Early maturity, the performance of premature. Than the head