
来源 :路基工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jklzqren12
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一、引言黄土地区一般植被差,长期受雨水浸蚀冲沟发达,沟深达几十米,沟口很宽。以往,公路线路跨越这种冲沟大多采用坝式路堤或拱桥,但这种结构雨季边坡易溜坍、崩溃,甚至产生管涌等现象。这不仅给养路工作带来很多困难,而且影响交通;如采用拱桥通过则耗资巨大。为此,笔者于1984年元月份设计并着手试建一座对拉式双墙面路堤,这不仅避免了雨水 I. INTRODUCTION The general vegetation in the loess area is poor. Long-term erosion and gully erosion have developed over a long period of several tens of meters and the Mizoguchi is very wide. In the past, most of the highway routes crossed dams or embankments or arch bridges. However, such structures tend to slump, crash and even produce pipe potholes during the rainy season. This not only brings a lot of difficulties to the road maintenance work, but also affects the traffic; if passing the arch bridge is costly. To this end, the author in January 1984 to design and proceed with the construction of a pull double wall embankment, which not only to avoid the rain