以古喻今也好,现实描写也好,反贪剧时下正走俏。能加盟反贪剧自然是每个演员梦寐以求的事。又扬名又过足戏瘾,忒好啦! 但摊上大主演就难了,这往往靠运气。不过,演个小角色也惬意嘛,“只有小角色,没有小演员”,这话都说了上千遍了,仍是放之四海而皆准的真理。 《银鼠》热播,雷恪生等一批大腕儿次第登场。媒体开足马力,不惜版面,连篇累牍地揄扬明星们。配角们却躲在旮旯里咀嚼失落。没辙,演员的成名都经历粉、红、紫发家三阶段。粉红阶段最难受最寂寞。当然,耐得寂寞、蓄势而发、窥测时机、以求一逞也是有心人的必备功课。
To ancient or modern Ye Hao, Ye Hao depiction of reality, anti-corruption drama is now popular. To join anti-corruption drama is naturally the dream of every actor. Also known and played the full play addict, Intuit it! But it is difficult to stand on the big star, which often rely on luck. However, playing a small role is also pleasant things Well, “only a small role, there is no small performer,” all say thousands of times, is still the universal truth. “Silver Rat” hit, Ryan Johnson and a number of big-time debut debut. The media started at full capacity, spared no expense in the forum, staring at the stars. Supporting actors who are hiding in the beast chewing loss. Mozhe, the actor’s fame has experienced pink, red, purple hair three stages. Pink stage most uncomfortable most lonely. Of course, loneliness, poised, and peep timing, in order to succeed is also a caring person must have homework.