【摘 要】
论文对南宁市隆安县板栗林优势种小头钩白蚁Ancistrotermes dimorphus(Tsai et Chen)菌圃在土层中的空间分布格局进行研究。结果表明,小头钩白蚁的菌圃在板栗林中一般分布在
【机 构】
论文对南宁市隆安县板栗林优势种小头钩白蚁Ancistrotermes dimorphus(Tsai et Chen)菌圃在土层中的空间分布格局进行研究。结果表明,小头钩白蚁的菌圃在板栗林中一般分布在地表下2.0~52 cm范围内,主要分布在2.0~31.9 cm范围的土层内,约占菌圃数量的91.52%;小头钩白蚁菌圃在老板栗林中的分布主要属聚集分布,在幼年板栗林中的分布以随机分布为主,部分为聚集分布。
The paper studied the spatial distribution patterns of Ancistrotermes dimorphus (Tsai et Chen) in the soil layer of dominant species of chestnut forest in Longan County, Nanning. The results showed that the fungi of the hooked termites were generally distributed in the chestnut forest in the range of 2.0-52 cm under the surface and mainly distributed in the soil layer in the range of 2.0-31.9 cm, accounting for 91.52% of the number of the nursery garden. The distribution of termites termites in the chestnut forest mainly belong to the aggregation distribution. In the young chestnut forest, the distribution is mainly random and the distribution is concentrated.
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