1 2003年8月4日下午,香港特区行政长官董建华在特区总部宣布,中央政府根据他的提名,任命后英年为港府财政司司长…… 当天下午3时34分,无锡记者拨通远在香港九龙的唐宅电话,转达家乡人民对唐英年被委以重任的热烈祝贺。接电话的正是唐英年之父、香港著名实业家唐翔千先生。他以洪亮的嗓音在电话里说:“感谢家乡人民的关心!任命一事来自香港人民的信任,作为新任财政司长,英年他日前的首要任务就是振兴香港经济……”
1 On the afternoon of August 4, 2003, Tung Chee Hwa, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, announced at the headquarters of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region that according to his nomination, the Central Government appointed Yinggang as the Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Government. At 3:34 pm on the same day, Wuxi reporter dialed As far as Tang House call in Kowloon, Hong Kong, convey the warm congratulation of the hometown people on the important task that Tang Yingnian was entrusted with. It is the father of Henry Tang, the famous Hong Kong businessman Mr. Tang Xiangqian. On the phone, in a loud voice, he said in a loud voice: "I am grateful to the care of the people in my hometown. The appointment of a trust from the people of Hong Kong, as the new Financial Secretary,