为了使各道工序达到均衡性有秩序的进行生产,确保产品质量及数量的正确性和一定数 量的储备量,半制品各道工序必须严格控制,做到心中有数,有利于指挥和组织生产,为此 特制定本制度。 (一)总则 1.为了使半制品按生产工序顺利的进行,根据当前生产需要,划分为三个收发站,即车 削收发站,磨削收发站,装配收发站,负责半制品的收发及管理工作。 2.半制品各道工序的加工,卡片和半制品的型号、等级、数量必须相互一致,不符者生 产工人、收发站都应拒收。 3.生产工人在上班时到收发站领料,下班时或中途将做好的半制品经检验员检验后,送 收发站验收。无心及平面加工好的产品,应主动送收发站。当天未完成数,由自己保管,以
In order to ensure that each process can achieve a balanced and orderly production and ensure the correctness of product quality and quantity as well as a certain amount of reserves, each process of semi-manufactured products must be strictly controlled, so that it can be confident that it is conducive to commanding and organizing production. To this end, this system is formulated. (1) General Provisions 1. In order to facilitate semi-manufacture according to the production process, according to the current production needs, it is divided into three receiving and dispatching stations, namely turning and receiving stations, grinding and receiving stations, assembling and receiving stations, and responsible for receiving and dispatching semi-products. jobs. 2. The processing, card, and semi-finished products of the semi-finished products must have the same model, grade, and quantity as each other. Any non-compliant production workers and receiving and dispatching stations should reject the products. 3. Production workers pick up material at the receiving and dispatching station when they are at work, and semi-manufactured products that will be completed during or after midway are inspected by the inspector and sent to the receiving and receiving station for acceptance. Unmotivated and plane-processed products should take the initiative to send and receive stations. The number of unfinished