香港地区至今没有发现过优质烃源岩, 坪洲组是香港及其周边地区惟一出露的中-新生代沉积岩,坪洲组烃源岩有机质丰度高, 有机碳含量平均达 1.9%, 氯仿沥青“A”含量 0.14%~0.24%, 总烃含量880~1800 μg/g, 烃转化率在 5~9 之间, 热解氢指数达 400~600 mgHC/gC, 显示为优质烃源岩的丰度特征, 层状藻类体是坪洲组源岩的主要有机显微组分, 地球化学特征亦显示了坪洲组烃源岩的有机质类型为Ⅰ和Ⅱ1, 含有较丰富的伽玛蜡烷和γ, β-胡萝卜烷及 C24四环萜烷, 表明其形成于咸水和半咸水的沉积环境, 且该套烃源岩处于成熟期的生油窗阶段, 源岩裂隙方解石脉中有机包裹体的大量存在表明了其已经生成了一定数量的石油并发生了二次运移. 坪洲组地层厚度大, 优质烃源岩的厚度在 200~300 m以上, 表明其油气生成潜力十分可观. 坪洲组优质烃源岩的发现, 对我国南部海域的油气资源勘探将具有十分重要的意义.
No source rock of high quality has been found in Hong Kong so far. The Pengzhou Formation is the only Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary rock exposed in Hong Kong and its surrounding areas. The source rocks of the Pengzhou Formation have high organic matter abundance with an average of 1.9% organic carbon content. Chloroform Asphalt “A” content of 0.14% to 0.24%, the total hydrocarbon content of 880 ~ 1800 μg / g, the hydrocarbon conversion rate of 5 to 9, the pyrogenation hydrogen index of 400 ~ 600 mgHC / gC, showed high quality source rock The abundance characteristics of layered algae are the main organic micro-components of the source rocks of the Pengzhou Formation. The geochemical characteristics also show that the organic matter types of the source rocks of the Pingzhou Formation are Ⅰ and Ⅱ1 and rich in gamma-olefin And γ, β-carotenoid and C24 tetracyclic terpane, indicating that they are formed in the depositional environment of brackish water and brackish water, and the source rocks of the set are in the stage of oil generation window at mature stage, The large number of inclusions indicates that they have produced a certain amount of oil and migrated a second time.The thickness of the Pengzhou Formation is large and the thickness of high-quality source rocks is above 200-300 m, indicating that the hydrocarbon generation potential is very impressive The discovery of high - quality source rocks in Pengzhou Formation is of great significance to the oil and gas resources in the southern part of China Exploration will have great significance.