(二) 哲学是研究世界观的学问学过点哲学的人都知道:哲学是研究世界观的学问。时常会有人问起:哲学为什么叫做“哲学”的? “哲学”这个名词,是从外国文里翻译过来的,源出古代的希腊文,叫做“菲劳索非。”“菲劳”是“爱好”,“索非”是“智慧”;“菲劳索非”就是“爱好智慧”。我們汉文里的“哲”字也是“智慧”的意思。例如:我国最古的书“尚书”里说:“知人則哲”。就是说,能够了解人的就是聪明人。“詩經”里说:“既明且哲,以保其身。”照宋朝哲学家朱熹的注解说:“明谓明于理,哲谓察于事,保身(?)理以守身,非趋利避害而偷以全躯之谓也。”(这个注解很重要。現在有些人对革命事业抱自由主义的态度,因为怕犯错誤、吃批评,就有事不管,有话不说,而自以为是“明哲保身”。这是一种曲解。朱熹说
(2) Philosophy is the study of worldviews. Philosophy is known to all people: Philosophy is the study of worldviews. From time to time someone will ask: Why is philosophy called “philosophy”? The term “philosophy” is translated from a foreign language and comes from an ancient Greek script called “Philip Sophie.” “Philosophy” is “ ”Hobby“, ”Sophie“ is ”wisdom“; ”Philip Sophie“ is ”loving wisdom.“ The word ”zhe“ in our Chinese text means ”wisdom“. For example: China’s oldest book ”Shangshu“ says: ”Knowing people are philosophers.“ That is to say, people who understand people are smart people. The Book of Songs says: ”It is both clear and philosophical, so as to protect the body.“ According to the commentary of Zhu Xi, a philosopher in the Song Dynasty, he said: ”It is clear that the principle of clarity lies in the essence of philosophy. “This is an important note for gaining advantage and avoiding harm.” (This commentary is very important. Some people now have a liberal attitude towards the revolutionary cause. Because they are afraid to make mistakes and eat criticism, there is something to be said about. There is something to say. Self-righteousness is “preserving the body.” This is a misunderstanding.