白鳍豚(Yangtge River Dolphin),中国国家一级保护动物,拉丁学名:Lipotes vexillifer。2006年,来自中国、美国、英国、日本、德国和瑞士等国近40名科学家,对宜昌—上海长江中下游的干流1 700 km江段进行了考察,未发现一头白鳍豚。鲥鱼(Reeves Shad),拉丁学名:Hilsa reevessii。
Yangtge River Dolphin, China’s national level protected animal, Latin name: Lipotes vexillifer. In 2006, nearly 40 scientists from China, the United States, Britain, Japan, Germany and Switzerland conducted a survey of 1 700 km of the mainstream of the Yichang-Shanghai middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and found no white dolphin. Reeves Shad, Latin name: Hilsa reevessii.