2015年5月8日,由四川省农业厅、四川省商务厅、四川省经济和信息化委员会、中国茶叶学会共同主办,成都市博览局特别支持的第四届中国(四川)国际茶业博览会(下简称“茶博会”)在成都新会展中心隆重开幕。本届茶博会布展面积4万m2,分设国际名茶馆、中国名茶馆、四川名茶馆、茶具茶道文化馆等主题馆,汇聚了全国40个产茶基地、500家茶叶、茶机械和茶具企业,约3 000种名茶、上万款茶具美器参展,创造历届茶博会最强商机,无论展会面
On May 8, 2015, the 4th China (Sichuan) International Tea Expo, co-sponsored by Sichuan Provincial Department of Agriculture, Sichuan Provincial Department of Commerce, Sichuan Provincial Commission of Economy and Information Technology and China Tea Association, supported by Chengdu Expo Bureau (Hereinafter referred to as “Tea Expo ”) grand opening in Chengdu New Convention and Exhibition Center. The current tea expo exhibition area of 40,000 m2, divided into international famous tea house, China famous tea house, Sichuan famous tea house, tea ceremony tea hall and other cultural theme museum, bringing together 40 tea production bases, 500 tea, tea machinery and tea business, About 3,000 kinds of famous tea, tens of thousands of models of tea beauty exhibition, to create the most previous Tea Expo the most business opportunities, regardless of the show