欧阳初刚从警校毕业跨进公安机关大门时,一门心思想当“大侦探”。可事与愿违,组织上安排他到浙江省温州市公安局鹿城区分局海坦派出所当民警,负责带领派出所治安队巡逻防范和辖区旅馆等特种行业的管理工作。当时,他真有说不出的懊丧,但事实教育了他。 一次,一位农村妇女找到派出所,捶胸顿足,涕泪纵横。经询问,才知道她是来温
Ouyang Chuang just graduated from police academy into the door of the public security organs, a mind to be “big detective.” Can be contrary to expectations, organized him to Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province Public Security Bureau Lucheng Branch police station in Haitan, is responsible for leading the security guard patrols police stations and areas under the jurisdiction of hotels and other special industries management. At that time, he really can not say regret, but the fact educated him. Once, a rural woman found a police station, cried his chest, tears vertical and horizontal. After asking, did you know that she came to warm